Monday, October 31, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Every one please checkout my side Blog I'm starting to sell Paparazzi Jewelry!!!It's only 5 bucks a piece! Let me know what you like I only have a piece or two of each so let me know ASAP!!!Also wanting to do some parties if you want to put one on let me know!!!!


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Hum...just us

But he'll keep trying!
Ry walking toward me mad cause he couldn't get out....
Oh man....
How do I get out of here!!!!
Testing his winter boots out!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


So we have been sick for the past week and a half...fevers.... throwing coughs that make us throw up!It seems like its never ending... so we have been stuck up in the house for far to we went for a walk and to the little park!

Squirrel !!!!!

not feeling so well....

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


He loves his new hat!!!!

Not much has been going on here at our home...Well a lot has been but nothing new and exciting!!! We are getting very close with our basement, keeping up with the boys and everything else....Luke has been working hard and trying to keep on going....the boys are getting SO BIG Riley has been walking along everything and taking 5 or 6 step here and there!!!Clay is just keeping me on my toes he is talking better and better....still working on it, but I'm not as worried as I use to be...I am just trying to keep up with everything!

Not much...but here are some pics....
my sweet boys!

his new hat he keeps saying McQueen
just playing
singing it's cute!!
Up late playing with dad!
With grandpa carp....

BEST BUDS!!!!!!!